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Black and White

When I say my favorite color is black and white,
I mean it,
That’s because black and white have more meaning than any other color,
When you ask someone about their favorite color,
They are usually going to pick theirs by how it looks,
But for me,
I focus on the meaning,
Black and white represent many things,
They are the symbol of dark and light,
They express the feeling of someone,
They are the base color in art,
White releases all the beautiful colors,
That’s why you see rainbows,
And black absorbs them all,
That’s why most cooking pans are black,
There are more things that are black and white,
Old television movies were black and white,
Most writings are in black and white,
Famous arts are black and white,
Those two antagonistic colors make up most of the world today,
Not even the world but the universe,
Black and white are like the father of creations,
They work together to bring you day and night,
They make arguments in space,
They show how the world today is working,
All because we have two colors,
Black and white.





Background: Black and White are the two colors that I can find in my life every day. It represents the opposing factors in our life such as good and evil, light and dark, and night and day. Everything in the world has black and white in it internally and externally. When God was creating the world, on the first day, God made the light and the dark, which is where black and white were born. I can connect my life with these two colors as I make every step. Understanding these two colors have helped me to focus and find solutions to my challenges. 

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