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Light Pollution in Las Vegas

When you walk down the Las Vegas Strip, you can look up and see all the blinding lights. There isn’t a spot left untouched by light. You begin to question, “How many lights actually are being used?”  This excessive use of lights is often a problem in major cities. Light pollution is the excessive or overuse of light. While Las Vegas is a prime example, light pollution still affects cities around the globe such as Moscow and Hong Kong.

Light pollution has plenty of negative effects on wildlife and human health. It mostly affects wildlife but can also have effects on humans. Sea turtles and birds are often guided by moonlight while migrating. With the brightness of the city lights next to beaches, these creatures are often misled and die from being lost. These negatively alter many ecosystems as more organisms are moved away from their original habitats. 

Too much artificial light can disrupt sleeping habits due to and can affect our circadian rhythm, the biological clock that determines when we wake up and sleep. Nighttime exposure to artificial light can also limit melatonin production. Melatonin is very important to our health and without it one will suffer from high cholesterol, a weak immune system, and more.

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